Fall of the samurai darthmod
Fall of the samurai darthmod

fall of the samurai darthmod fall of the samurai darthmod

Hi, I've been looking for some good shogun 2/FotS mods and everywhere I've looked they've recommended darthmod. The popular mod for Empire: Total War and Rome: Total War has now come to Shogun 2: Total War with aims to improve the depth and gameplay of the. The DarthMod series strikes back to improve the gameplay and AI of the fantastic game Total War: Shogun 2.

fall of the samurai darthmod

› forums › forumdisplay › DarthMod-Shogun-II.

  • Bow units are made much less effective due to a slowing down of the speed of the missile itself and.
  • To use all the extra submods you must use the Launcher version or apply manually the Pack Version of the mod.
  • The DarthMod series of mods continues to improve the AI and gameplay of Total War games.

  • Fall of the samurai darthmod